

Clean up (Silica base)


Clean up Hydrophobic
     Hydrophobic extraction sorbents are composed of a silica backbone bonded with hydrocarbon chains. They are used to extract compounds which exhibit non-polar or neutral characteristics out of complex matrices. UCT offers a range of hydrophobic sorbents that can be utilized to optimize a variety of separations. Several chain configurations are available as well as endcapped and unendcapped versions.
EX : Clean up c2,c4,c8,c18,c30, Phenyl and Cyclohexyl sorbent

Clean up Hydrophillic
     Hydrophillic extraction sorbents are composed of a silica backbone bonded with carbon chains containing polar functional groups. They are used to extract compounds which exhibit polar bonding mechanisms such as hydrogen bonding, pi-pi or dipole-dipole interactions. Compounds typically extracted on a hydrophilic column include analytes which have polar groups, such as amines, hydroxyls, and carbonyls. UCT offers a range of hydrophilic sorbents that can be utilized to optimize a variety of separations
EX : Clean up silica, Florisil, Alumina acidic, Alumina Basic, Alumina neutral and Cyanopropyl

Clean up Anion Exchange and Cation Exchange
     This sorbent is composed of a silica backbone bonded with carbon chains terminated by a negatively or positively charged functional group. Ion Exchange interactions occur between a sorbent that carries a charge and a compound of opposite charge. This electrostatic interaction is reversible by neutralizing the sorbent and/or analyte. Ion exchange bonds can also be disrupted by the introduction of a counter ion to compete with the analyte for binding sites on the sorbent.
EX : Clean up Benzenesulfonic acid, Quaternary amine, Carboxylic acid sorbent

Clean up Copolymeric
     This sorbent is composed of a silica backbone with two types of functional chainsattached - an ion exchanger or polar chain and a hydrophobic carbon chain. Our copolymeric phases are produced in a way to allow for equal parts of each functional group to attach to the silica backbone. This copolymerization technique yields reproducible bonded phases and unique copolymeric chemistries which allow the controlled use of mixed mode separation mechanisms.This type of dual chemistry is beneficial especially when one is looking for both a neutral & charged compound. This is common when a neutral parent drug metabolizes & becomes a charged compound.
EX : Clean up C8 + Benzene sulfonic acid, clean up C8+ Quaternary amine sorbent

12 March 2018

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